June 2024


Legal representatives:
Managing Director Dr. Kristian Moeller

Register entry:
Register of Companies: HRB 118605 Cologne
VAT number: DE 367 742 132

appellando GmbH
Spichernstraße 55
50672 Cologne, Germany
Web: www.appellando.org

T +49 221 57993-0

Responsible for the contents:
appellando regularly examines and updates the information in its web site. Despite all the pains we take, data may have changed in the meantime. We therefore cannot accept any responsibility or assume any guarantee for the currency, correctness and completeness of the information made available. We reserve the right to amend or add to the furnished information.

The content and structure of the appellando web site are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data – in particular, but not limited to, the use of texts, parts of texts or illustrations – requires the prior consent of appellando.

Keyvisual Home: Adobe Stock / JackF | Keyvisual Alliance: Adobe Stock / Jacob Lund | Keyvisual Declaration: Adobe Stock / Useekate